
Sunday School

CPANZ KIDS Sunday School @ 5:30 PM

Helping parents raise kids who love Jesus.

ICPANZ Kids is built around a simple concept: Jesus is the hero. Each Sunday, your child will learn the Bible and how it relates to Jesus in an age-appropriate way. The lessons are fun and approachable and taught by committed members and staff who serve Jesus by serving you and your kids. We also seek to help equip parents to train their children in the gospel through resources like family guides for our lessons, weekly activity books, and resources for Community Group leaders. Ultimately, the goal of ICPANZKids is to get kids excited about Jesus and to get families talking about Jesus together throughout the week,We love kids! And we've got a lot of them at Redeemer.We believe that parents are ultimately responsible for making wise choices in the raising of their children, so we give parents lots of leeway in what to do with their children at church. You are always welcome to keep your children with you; we just ask that you make sure they are not a distraction to others. However, if you would like to take advantage of childcare during the service, we have childcare for children 0 to 12 years old.



Women are vital to a healthy church. In the Bible, it was the women who stuck by Jesus as he died on the cross. It was the women who discovered that Jesus rose from the dead and told the disciples. And it was the women who faithfully served in the early church in partnership with the apostles and elders. The early church was radical in that it encouraged women to learn about theology and Jesus, encouraged them to serve and help build the church, and deemed women as equal image bearers of God, with distinct roles. ICPANZ Women's Ministries is focused on helping women grow more deeply in their love of Jesus, grow in their knowledge of the Bible, and get connected with one another in community with the ultimate goal of creating disciples of Jesus who make other disciples.

CPANZ Church oversees their respective local Women's Ministries. Typical opportunities for women include Bible studies, mom's get-togethers, book clubs, special events and conferences, and more. ICPANZ Women's Ministries are open to all women of any age and stage of life.



The Teen, Youth and Young adults' Ministry of ICPNZ is a ministry to and for young men and women from 13 to 25 years of age. Our mission is to address, care for and advance teens/youth/young adults and their related issues, to positively impact them spiritually, economically, personally, mentally and physically so that they can in turn be prepared to make spiritual, personal, domestic, social, community, national and international impact. The high school years are vital in training young people to be disciples of Jesus. Statistically, 70% of students leave the church after high school.

his means that traditionally the church hasn't done a good job of communicating the gospel to teens and creating a legacy of disciples that is multi-generational. ICPANZ Youth &Student Ministries is focused on helping parents equip young people between the ages of 12 and 18 to be disciples of Jesus by clearly communicating the gospel, creating an environment of worship, and connecting teens to community in the church. The end-goal of Youth &Student Ministries is to create theologically sound Jesus lovers who go on to become vital members of the church in the college years and beyond. Youth &Student Ministries meets at various times and locations, depending on the church location. For more information on ICPANZ Ministries, contact your local ICPANZ church, OR please call us at (+64) 0211762112 or email us at [email protected]



Fellowship is a men's cell group run by the men of Christ Church that focuses on enjoying activities and exploring topical and relevant issues that connect with men's lives today. It aims to build friendship and faith in a relaxed and informal atmosphere of social activities and get-together.The purpose of the Men's Cell Group of Church of the Living Saviour is to create a culture of Godly Men who strive to be better husbands, better fathers, better friends and better servants who will in turn, encourage other men to become the same.

"As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17 -

if you desire a closer relationship with God and become a better husband and wife, a better father and mother, a better friend "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

One of the great strengths of fellowship is its diversity of membership, with its common foundation of men experiencing similarly demanding lifestyles, with a varied programme of social events and meetings. We also have a monthly night vigil&Bible study and Discussion Group. Anyone wanting to get involved in fellowship or just wanting to keep up with what's going on should contact [email protected]



God provided for the salvation of the world through Jesus' death on the cross. God is the One who seeks and saves (Luke. 19:10),

For God so loved the world that He gave
His one and only Son, that whoever believes
In Him shall not perish but have eternal life,

If God did not do the seeking, saving, revealing, and drawing of people to Himself, all of our outreach efforts would be meaningless and fruitless.

God initiates the process by . . .

  • Assuring people of the reality of His love so people can feel and experience for themselves.
  • Answering their doubts so people can know and believe.
  • Awakening their faith so people hear and respond as "faith comes by hearing".
  • Authenticating His message of reconciliation so people see and become accountable.

He uses us in the process to help . . .

  • assure people of His love through consideration and compassion.
  • answer people's doubts through correction of misconceptions apologetics.
  • awaken people's faith through communication of God's Word Preaching and proclaiming (crusades, open air), teaching. (one-on-one, neighbourhood Bible studies)
  • authenticate the message by characterization through reflection lifestyle evangelism.

He uses us in the process as . . .

  • We go to God on their behalf Intercessory prayer, standing in the gap.
  • We go to people as His ambassadors Missions, one-on-one witnessing, visiting, door-to-door, church planting, etc.
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